Das Großsegel von Forward Sailing macht Abenteurer glücklich!
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Die schönen Segel von Forward Sailing
Die schönen Segel von Forward Sailing sind ab 2023 wieder erhältlich, um Ihren Katamaranen neues Leben einzuhauchen und weiterhin tolle Segelabenteuer zu erleben.
Forward Sailing 15 Jahre Sonderangebot
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Vorwärts Segeln ? 15 Jahre Abenteuer So viele alte Boote in Form, so viele Abdeckungen zum Schutz unserer Boote, so viele Trampoline und Zubehör.
Neues Großsegel von Ventilo 20 auf Bestellung
Bestellen Sie Ihr Ventilo20-Großsegel direkt, indem Sie uns eine E-Mail schicken. Ihr Großsegel wird innerhalb von 50 Tagen bei Ihnen eintreffen. Weitere Details finden Sie in diesem Artikel.
Neue Website von Forward Sailing
Im Namen des gesamten Forward Sailing Teams wünschen wir Ihnen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes neues Jahr! Und um das Jahr 2022 gut zu beginnen, gibt es hier die neue Website von Forward Sailing!
The reopening of sport catamaran practice
The reopening of sport catamaran practice enables enthusiasts to relive. Learn more about applicable rules here.
New dates of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games
In a press release published on March 30, authorities and the involved parties in the organization of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games announce new dates for this international sport events that is postponed to 2021. Due to the health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, majority of competitions and sport events have been suspended. This also applies to Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games. These major sport events expected by everyone were planned to take place from July 24 to...
Forward Sailing congratulates Charles Caudrelier,elected sailor of the year 2018
Charles Caudrelier, the sailor who did not follow the classical pathway on Optimist and chose windsurfing and solo sailing between Concarneau and the Glénanon family cruiser, was elected sailor of the year 2018. On this occasion, Forward Sailing wished to congratulate the native Fouesnant (Finistère), last winner of the Volvo Ocean Race at The Hague (Netherlands). In fact, the 44 -year old skipper won the final victory at the very end of the last stage on June 24th, at the end of a journey...
Yvan Bourgon embarks on a new challenge: around the world in the opposite direct
The Global Challenge is Yvan Bourgnon’s new project. The skipper wants to go around the world in the opposite direction, solo and on a multihull. Objective: Achieving this in less than 100 days.
Yvan and Mathis Bourgnon sign 2 back-to -back world records
Yvan and Mathis are the new record breakers of the crossing of the Mediterranean and that of the English Channel. Their time, made on Nacra F20 foil catamaran, has been formalized by the WSSRC.